Connect with your past clients and prospects on a regular basis by sending them a bimonthly subscription to your very own magazine! This stunning 48-page personally branded publication features articles on travel, art, food, and design.
SEE MAGAZINE SAMPLEThese customizable, content-rich postcards are printed and shipped for you. You can either provide your own list, or buy a list from us based on things like geography, recipient interests, and many other demographics. Plus, it’s all done in three easy steps!
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Add weekly touchpoints to your follow-up marketing in just a few clicks!
Local Events Email Newsletters: Local Events Email Newsletters: A beautiful biweekly email newsletter featuring curated events from your local community.
Social Media Automation: Set up an automatic posting calendar for Facebook or Instagram in under 5 minutes. Share engaging blog posts directly to your social media channels, all personalized with your branding, photo, and contact information.
Branded Posts: An engaging biweekly email newsletter featuring branded blog posts with your photo, logo, and contact information.
Digital Edition: Choose from four monthly digital magazines featuring articles on travel, art, food, home, health, and business.
Landing Pages: Personalized and effective landing pages designed to start capturing leads fast.
Trusted by over 100,000 agents with a five star client rating on facebook.